February 2020 – TVW – Wisconsin Women

What areas are included in a financial plan?

How do plans with Evolution Financial differ from others?

A plan isn’t “set it and forget it.” Those ongoing conversations around life changes help you move forward!

January 2020 – TVW – Talk Wisconsin

How can you manage uncertainty in the stock market?

What types of investments are in a portfolio?

It’s not just about investments…behavior and how you use your money matters.

January 2020 – TVW – Wisconsin Women


What are the things debt can take from you?

How does debt hold you back?

Let’s talk about how you can get rid of that debt and become the person you have been striving to be!

November 2019 – TVW – Wisconsin Women

What is comprehensive financial planning?

Is financial planning just about planning for retirement?

Location isn’t an issue. I can work with you even if you live across the country!

November 2019 – TVW – Talk Wisconsin

The first step in a plan is getting to know each other. Both us getting to know each other, and you getting to know yourself!

What’s my background? (I haven’t done this my whole life…)

What goes into getting the CFP® certification?