November 2020 – TVW – Wisconsin Women

Market timing might make you feel like you’re buying low and selling high, but the market isn’t always predictable.

Working with a financial adviser can help you see the bigger picture, beyond the current daily events. That collaboration can help you stay invested to reach your goals.

July 2020 – TVW – Talk Wisconsin: Wisconsin Women

You’ve changed jobs and find out you’ve got a retirement plan you can invest in! That’s great news! Wait…did you have one at your last job? Did you invest in that?

If you find yourself with a new retirement plan, I can help you figure out how to invest in that plan in a way that’s right for you, and also find and consolidate those old plans so they are easier to keep track of.

June 2020 – TVW – Talk Wisconsin

2020 has been…hard. Unfortunately, it will not be the last hard thing we will go through in life, but lessons learned will benefit us in the future.

Working with an adviser can help you plan for the ups and downs of life, and modify that plan when things change.

April 2020 – TVW – Talk Wisconsin

Try to take a step back and review your finances, without judgment, to determine what is important to you.

Remember that even in times of stress and unease, keeping a routine can help things feel a little more normal.

March 2020 – TVW – Wisconsin Women

What are the different ways a market can recover from a sharp drop?

What can provide hope in dark times in the economy?

Through technology, I can still be there for you, even when we can’t be in the same room!