January 2020 – TVW – Talk Wisconsin

How can you manage uncertainty in the stock market?

What types of investments are in a portfolio?

It’s not just about investments…behavior and how you use your money matters.

January 2020 – TVW – Wisconsin Women


What are the things debt can take from you?

How does debt hold you back?

Let’s talk about how you can get rid of that debt and become the person you have been striving to be!

March 2019 – TVW – Wisconsin Women

Helping friends or family with finances.

How do you start the conversation?

What if they ask for a loan?

What if their needs are beyond your expertise?

December 2019 – TVW – Talk Wisconsin

What are some things you can review at the end of the year to improve your plan?

What are small changes you can do to change your financial life?

How much should you have in an emergency fund?

May, 2018 – WI57 – Girl Talk

What is financial independence?

What is the first step in starting to plan?

What holds people back from starting?